
Zur Übersicht

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22.-24. Mai 2023 in Antwerpen

23rd ICIC23 International Conference on Integrated Care

  • Hybrid
  • Treffen Sie uns vor Ort
  • Vortrag

Im Themenbereich 3. Collaboration: factor for successful implementation of integrated care

Using the settings approach to health promotion in hospital and health services to support collaboration, engagement, and partnership in integrated care systems

Keriin Katsaros, Senior Manager Research & Innovation


Im Themenbereich 5. Population health approach: leverage for integrated care

Hospital transformation into regional health care

Dr. h.c. Helmut Hildebrandt, Chairman of the Board


German Parkinson’s network as a scalable approach for integrated care in daily medical routine

Carina Lummer


Rural healthcare kiosks with telemedicine connectivity: Germany starts to offer 1.000 health kiosks within the next years

Dr. h.c. Helmut Hildebrandt, Chairman of the Board

Infos & Anmeldung