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24. April 2017

Integrated Health Care Workshop, 25. April 2017, Moskau

Innovative Approach to Health Service Delivery based on People-Centered Integrated Health Care: International Experience, Evidence and Prospects for the Russia Federation Vortrag: The German integrated care system Gesundes Kinzigtal: Innovating the health system to be more efficient and produce healthAlexander Pimperl, stellvertretender Vorstandsvorsitzender OptiMedis AG

Innovative Approach to Health Service Delivery based on People-Centered Integrated Health Care: International Experience, Evidence and Prospects for the Russia Federation


The German integrated care system Gesundes Kinzigtal: Innovating the health system to be more efficient and produce health
Alexander Pimperl, stellvertretender Vorstandsvorsitzender OptiMedis AG