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12. September 2019

International Network of Health Promoting Hospitals hands over management to OptiMedis

OptiMedis AG is expanding its work for health-promoting hospitals and facilities. After taking over the management of the German Network for Health Promotion Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities (DNGfK) in 2018, OptiMedis AG is now the leading provider of health promotion services in Germany. The International Network of Health Promoting Hospitals & Health Services (HPH) is now being added. OptiMedis was awarded the contract to manage the HPH secretariat in an international tender.

OptiMedis AG is expanding its work for health-promoting hospitals and facilities. After taking over the management of the German Network for Health Promotion Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities (DNGfK) in 2018, OptiMedis AG is now the leading provider of health promotion services in Germany. The International Network of Health Promoting Hospitals & Health Services (HPH) is now being added. OptiMedis was awarded the contract to manage the HPH secretariat in an international tender.

The HPH has been supporting hospitals since the early 1990s in introducing health-promoting concepts for patients, employees and entire regions. The international cooperation resulted in numerous networks throughout Europe in which hospitals, rehabilitation and care facilities are networked on a national or regional level. Currently, the WHO-supported HPH has more than 600 member institutions in 19 countries worldwide.

Dr. Oliver Gröne, Vice Chairman of OptiMedis and responsible for the strategic realignment of HPH, explains what is decisive for the future of the network: „On the one hand, we have to attract young people to our network so that they can implement the ideas of health promotion in their institutions driving sustainable changes. On the other hand, we want to align our work more closely with the Sustainable Development Goals, which offer an excellent agenda for the network’s overarching goals. To this end, OptiMedis will make use of existing cooperations in numerous national and international networks and projects.

Gröne attaches particular importance to the fact that in the future, not only the national and regional networks represented in the HPH will be addressed, but also the individual members. „We want to create new offers for them, for example in the area of further education and digitization,“ he explains.